
Teamviewer is it down
Teamviewer is it down

teamviewer is it down

Check out some more Tips and Tricks by Trouble Fixers.TeamViewer 120.25xxxx is not connecting to the server, Hope you find the above tutorial easy to follow. This way you can start the service only when you intend to use Team Viewer, all other times, the service should remain stopped to not put load on the Windows PC resources. To start or stop the service manually, you can go to services as mentioned in step 1 and locate the service. Step 4: This way the service will not start on its own. Step 3: On the Properties window, click on the drop-down options Startup type: and select Manual. When you right click, click on Properties. While writing this tutorial, I was using version 7, so I access Team Viewer 7 Service and right click on it. Step 2: On the services Window, cross down to Team Viewer service corresponding to the version number you are using. Step 1: Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard. Follow the below steps to stop the Team Viewer Service. When you need to use it again, you can download the later version and use the same when you need it. And if you use it even less often, say once in 3 months or so, you can also consider to uninstall it. In case you use Team Viewer often, I won’t recommend you to turn off the service, but if like me, you use it once in a month of less, it makes sense to stop the service as its unnecessarily using your computer’s resources to keep the service running in background. In this article, I will share simple and easy to follow steps to take control of the Team Viewer service in Windows. While many softwares have options to disable automatic start, but the new version of Team Viewer which I am using does not give an option to disable the service from the startup of Windows. In Windows Task Manager, under services tab you can check what all services are running at a time on your Windows PC. Since I use the Team Viewer once in a while, but the Team Viewer service is always running in background silently even when I don’t plan to use it for a few weeks. But there is one small annoying fact related to Team Viewer which bothers me at times. I use this tool sometimes to help friends with their computer problems and sometime I use to check my home PC when I am out of home. Team Viewer is a great tool to remotely access a computer using LAN or Internet and this service is free for personal and non-commercial use.

Teamviewer is it down